Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year...

Because 2008 is your year...

Ode to the Rat

The fearsome rat lurks in my mind

beside it many words unkind

"vermin", "filth", they leave no doubt

the rat's bad news to have about.

But were it gone, I'd miss the rat

though my son could never be a "brat".

The crafty rat scamps through my mind

four toes in front and five behind

though smart, the rat's good side is vague

and people blame it for the plague

just because it brings disease

when actually, it was the fleas.


Anonymous said...

Sooo... you're not a dog person, but a vermin person?

Persephone said...

You say that like it's a bad thing! They're both okay with me.

Anonymous said...

No, vermin's is okay with me. Had a lot of friends with rats in college, and one with a ferret, which is kinda like vermin. Now if you waz a cat person, that would be different...